calculator using python

How to build a calculator using python

How to build a calculator using python

Hello coder, welcome to the codewithrandom blog. In this blog, we will learn how to build an Calculator using Python. Calculator are a basic yet essential tool in the field of mathematics. They have calculator various uses in both the educational and professional sectors, including simple arithmetic operations and complex mathematical calculations. Building a calculator using Python is an excellent way to learn the basics of programming while creating a functional tool that you can use.



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Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to build a calculator using Python:

For this Calculator project, we need to install Tkinter packages. You can install these packages using the pip command in your terminal.

Command to install Tkinter :

$ pip install tk

step 1: Import Required Library for creating calculator

from tkinter import *

step 2:  Create a function for calculator

def love():
    class Calculator:
        def __init__(self, master):
            self.master = master
            master.title("Python Calculator")

step 3: create screen widget, position screen in window and initialize screen value as empty

# create screen widget
           self.screen = Text(master, state='disabled', width=60, height=3,background="#fcfcec", foreground="#cb464e",font=("times",12,"bold"))

           # position screen in window

           # initialize screen value as empty
           self.equation = ''

step 4: create buttons using method create Button

b1 =  self.createButton(7)
           b2 = self.createButton(8)
           b3 = self.createButton(9)
           b4 = self.createButton(u"\u232B",None)
           b5 = self.createButton(4)
           b6 = self.createButton(5)
           b7 = self.createButton(6)
           b8 = self.createButton(u"\u00F7")
           b9 = self.createButton(1)
           b10 = self.createButton(2)
           b11 = self.createButton(3)
           b12 = self.createButton('*')
           b13 = self.createButton('.')
           b14 = self.createButton(0)
           b15 = self.createButton('+')
           b16 = self.createButton('-')
           b17 = self.createButton('=',None,34)

step 5: buttons stored in list and intialize counter

buttons = [b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8,b9,b10,b11,b12,b13,b14,b15,b16,b17]

# intialize counter
count = 0

step 6: arrange last button ‘=’ at the bottom


step 7 : function creates a button, and takes one compulsory argument, the value that should be on the button

def createButton(self,val,write=True,width=7):

            return Button(self.master, text=val,command = lambda:,write), width=width,background="#4b7fa4",foreground="#fcfcec",font=("times", 20))

step 8: ‘write’ argument if True means the value ‘val’ should be written on screen, if None, should not be written on screen

def click(self,text,write):
            # this function handles what happens when you click a button
            if write == None:

                #only evaluate code when there is an equation to be evaluated
                if text == '=' and self.equation: 
                    # replace the unicode value of division ./.with python division symbol / using regex
                    self.equation= re.sub(u"\u00F7", '/', self.equation)
                    answer = str(eval(self.equation))
                elif text == u"\u232B":
                # add text to screen

step 9: to clear screen and set equation to empty before deleting screen

        def clear_screen(self):
            self.equation = ''
            self.screen.delete('1.0', END)

        def insert_screen(self, value,newline=False):
            # record every value inserted in screen
            self.equation += str(value)
            self.screen.configure(state ='disabled')

    root = Tk()
    my_gui = Calculator(root)



complete code For the Calculator(copy the code run)👇👇👇

from tkinter import *
def love():
    class Calculator:
        def __init__(self, master):
            self.master = master
            master.title("Python Calculator")

            # create screen widget
            self.screen = Text(master, state='disabled', width=60, height=3,background="#fcfcec", foreground="#cb464e",font=("times",12,"bold"))

            # position screen in window

            # initialize screen value as empty
            self.equation = ''

            # create buttons using method createButton
            b1 =  self.createButton(7)
            b2 = self.createButton(8)
            b3 = self.createButton(9)
            b4 = self.createButton(u"\u232B",None)
            b5 = self.createButton(4)
            b6 = self.createButton(5)
            b7 = self.createButton(6)
            b8 = self.createButton(u"\u00F7")
            b9 = self.createButton(1)
            b10 = self.createButton(2)
            b11 = self.createButton(3)
            b12 = self.createButton('*')
            b13 = self.createButton('.')
            b14 = self.createButton(0)
            b15 = self.createButton('+')
            b16 = self.createButton('-')
            b17 = self.createButton('=',None,34)

            # buttons stored in list
            buttons = [b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8,b9,b10,b11,b12,b13,b14,b15,b16,b17]

            # intialize counter
            count = 0
            # arrange buttons with grid manager
            for row in range(1,5):
                for column in range(4):
                    count += 1
            # arrange last button '=' at the bottom

        def createButton(self,val,write=True,width=7):
            # this function creates a button, and takes one compulsory argument, the value that should be on the button

            return Button(self.master, text=val,command = lambda:,write), width=width,background="#4b7fa4",foreground="#fcfcec",font=("times", 20))

        def click(self,text,write):
            # this function handles what happens when you click a button
            # 'write' argument if True means the value 'val' should be written on screen, if None, should not be written on screen
            if write == None:

                #only evaluate code when there is an equation to be evaluated
                if text == '=' and self.equation: 
                    # replace the unicode value of division ./.with python division symbol / using regex
                    self.equation= re.sub(u"\u00F7", '/', self.equation)
                    answer = str(eval(self.equation))
                elif text == u"\u232B":
                # add text to screen

        def clear_screen(self):
            #to clear screen
            #set equation to empty before deleting screen
            self.equation = ''
            self.screen.delete('1.0', END)

        def insert_screen(self, value,newline=False):
            # record every value inserted in screen
            self.equation += str(value)
            self.screen.configure(state ='disabled')

    root = Tk()
    my_gui = Calculator(root)


OutPut for the calculator 👇👇👇👇



Hurray! You have successfully Create the Calculator using Python. Building a calculator using Python is an excellent way to learn the basics of programming while creating a functional tool that you can use. By following the steps outlined above, you can create a simple or advanced calculator that can perform a range of mathematical functions. With some practice, you can enhance your calculator further and make it even more useful. Hope you enjoyed building with us! Visit our homepage and you get lot’s of projects💝

#calculator using python
#calculator using python

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