Address Book Project in C++

Creating an Address Book Project in C++ (Source Code)

Creating an Address Book Project in C++

Address Book Project in C++


Hello, coders. Welcome to the codewithrandom blog. In this article, we will learn how to create an Address Booklist using C++. An Address booklist consists of people’s names, addresses, phone numbers, and other pertinent data. The user uses it as a reference so they can find and reach out to family, clients, friends, and coworkers in an efficient manner. 

Address Book Project in C++

This address booklist application will let you add user contact details, edit the contact, deleted contacts, view all the contacts, Search for a particular contact from the list and exit from the program if you don’t wish to perform any further function.

Overview of the UI of Address Book:

This address booklist will let the user enter details and keep records for users. This application will let you:

  1. Add Contact
  2. Edit Contact
  3. Delete Contact
  4. View all Contacts
  5. Search Address book
  6. Exit

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We will create functions to perform all these actions. Each of the operation will have further UI which we will see now:

1) Add Contact

  • Enter First Name:
  • Enter Last Name:

2) Edit Contact

  • Please type the Entry number that you wish to edit:

3) Delete contact

  • Please type the Entry number that you wish to delete:

4) View all contacts

  • It will display all the contacts in the address booklist

5) Search Address Book

  • 1.) First name
  • 2.) Last name
  • 3.) Address
  • 4.) Contact

6) Exit

  • Program Terminated

Below is a free Source Code for Address Book in C++.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
// Function prototypes
void addContacts();
void viewContacts();
void searchContact();
void editContact();
void deleteContact();

int main()
{				//Main Function

bool run=true;
int Option;   			//Main menu
    cout << "----------------------Address Book-----------------------------" << endl;
    cout << "\n";
    cout << "What would you like to do?" << endl;
    cout << "1.) Add Contact" << endl;
    cout << "2.) Edit Contact" << endl;
    cout << "3.) Delete Contact" << endl;
    cout << "4.) View All Contacts" << endl;
    cout << "5.) Search Address Book" << endl;
    cout << "6.) Exit" << endl << endl;
    cout << "Choose an option: ";
    cin >> Option;
switch (Option){
    case 1:
    case 2:
    case 3:
    case 4:
    case 5:
    case 6:
        run = false;
        cout << "Please Choose between 1 to 6" <<endl;
} while(run);
cout << "Program Terminated";

void addContacts(){		//Function for adding contacts.
    system ("cls");
    string Fname, Lname, Address, Contact, list, name, Fname2, Lname2, Address2, Contact2;
    double counter, number;
    cout << "----------------------Address Book-----------------------------" << endl << endl;
    cout << "Do not use spaces if entry has 2 or more words  ex: KyleAdrian" << endl;
    cout << "Enter 'quit' at First name to quit" << endl << endl;
    cout << "Enter First Name: ";
    getline(cin, Fname);
    if (Fname == "quit")
    cout << "Enter Last Name: ";
    getline(cin, Lname);
    cout << "Enter Address: ";
    getline(cin, Address);
    cout << "Enter Contact Number: ";
    getline(cin, Contact);
    ifstream asd("AddressBook.txt");
    while(asd >> counter >> Fname2 >> Lname2 >> Address2 >> Contact2){
        if (counter == 100){
            cout << "Invalid Max number of contacts reached (100).";
            main ();
        else number = counter;
    ofstream adb("AddressBook.txt", ios::app);
    number = number + 1;
    adb << number << " " << Fname << " " << Lname
    << " " << Address << " " << Contact << endl;

void viewContacts(){	//Show all entries in the data base.
    double counter;
    string Fname, Lname, Address, Contact;
    ifstream addressbook("AddressBook.txt");
    cout << "Entry #" << setw(17) << "First Name" << setw(23)<< "Last Name" << setw(23) <<"Address"<< setw(29)<<"Contact"<< endl << endl;
    while (addressbook >> counter >> Fname >> Lname >> Address >> Contact){
        cout << setw(3)<< counter << setw(18)<< Fname << setw(25) << Lname << setw(25) << Address << setw(30) << Contact << endl;
    cout << endl;
    system ("pause");
    system ("cls");

void searchContact(){	//Allow to specific entry.
    int choice;
    double counter, number;
    string Fname, Lname, Address, Contact, Fname2, Lname2, Address2, Contact2;
    cout << "----------------------Address Book-----------------------------" << endl << endl;
    cout << "---Search Address Book---" << endl;
    cout << "1.) First name" << endl;
    cout << "2.) Last name" << endl;
    cout << "3.) Address" << endl;
    cout << "4.) Contact " << endl;
    cout << "Enter Choice: ";
    cin >> choice;
    switch (choice){
        case 1:
            cout << "Enter First Name: ";
            cin >> Fname;
            cout << endl;
        case 2:
            cout << "Enter Last Name: ";
            cin >> Lname;
            cout << endl;
        case 3:
            cout << "Enter Address: ";
            cin >> Address;
            cout << endl;
        case 4:
            cout << "Enter Contact: ";
            cin >> Contact;
            cout << endl;
            cout << "Please Enter choice from 1 to 4";
    ifstream search("AddressBook.txt");
    if (choice==1){
        while (search >> counter >> Fname2 >> Lname2>> Address2 >> Contact2){
            if(Fname == Fname2){
                cout << counter << " " << Fname2 << " " << Lname2 << " " << Address2 << " " << Contact2 << endl << endl;
    if (choice==2){
        while (search >> counter >> Fname2 >> Lname2>> Address2 >> Contact2){
            if(Lname == Lname2){
                cout << counter << " " << Fname2 << " " << Lname2 << " " << Address2 << " " << Contact2 << endl << endl;
    if (choice==3){
        while (search >> counter >> Fname2 >> Lname2>> Address2 >> Contact2){
            if(Address == Address2){
                cout << counter << " " << Fname2 << " " << Lname2 << " " << Address2 << " " << Contact2 << endl <<endl;
    if (choice==4){
        while (search >> counter >> Fname2 >> Lname2>> Address2 >> Contact2){
            if(Contact == Contact2){
                cout << counter << " " << Fname2 << " " << Lname2 << " " << Address2 << " " << Contact2 << endl << endl;
    system ("pause");
    system ("cls");

void editContact(){		//This part allows you to edit the entries.
    int choice;
    double counter, number;
    string Fname, Lname, Address, Contact, Fname2, Lname2, Address2, Contact2, choice2, choice3;
    ifstream edit("AddressBook.txt");
    ofstream temp("Temp.txt", ios::app);
    cout << "Please type the Entry number that you wish to edit: ";
    cin >> choice;
    cout << endl;
    if (choice==0 || choice > 100){
        cout << "Error, wrong entry";
    while (edit >> counter >> Fname2 >> Lname2>> Address2 >> Contact2){
            if (counter==choice){
                cout << counter << " " << Fname2 << " "<< Lname2 << " " << Address2 << " " << Contact2 << endl<<endl;
                cout << "Is this the contact that you wish to edit? (y or n) ";
                cin >> choice3;
                cout <<endl;
            if (choice3=="n") {
            if (choice3=="y"){
            if (counter<choice){
                temp << counter << " " << Fname2 << " "<< Lname2 << " " << Address2 << " " << Contact2 << endl;
            if (counter==choice){
                cout << "Enter New First name: ";
                cin >> Fname;
                cout << "Enter New Last name: ";
                cin >> Lname;
                cout << "Enter New Address: ";
                cin >> Address;
                cout << "Enter New Contact: ";
                cin >> Contact;	
                temp << choice << " " << Fname << " "<< Lname << " " << Address << " " << Contact << endl;
                if (counter > choice){
                    temp << counter << " " << Fname2 << " "<< Lname2 << " " << Address2 << " " << Contact2 << endl;


if (remove("AddressBook.txt")==0){
    cout << "Succesful Removing File" << endl;
    cout << "Error removing"<< endl;
if(rename("Temp.txt", "AddressBook.txt")==0){
    cout << "Succesful Renaming file"<< endl;	
    cout << "Error renaming"<<endl;

void deleteContact(){	//This function allow to delete entries one by one.
    int choice;
    double counter, number;
    string Fname, Lname, Address, Contact, Fname2, Lname2, Address2, Contact2, choice2,choice3;
    ifstream edit("AddressBook.txt");
    ofstream temp("Temp.txt", ios::app);
    cout << "Please type the Entry number that you wish to delete: ";
    cin >> choice;
    cout << endl;
    while (edit >> counter >> Fname2 >> Lname2>> Address2 >> Contact2){
        if (counter==choice){
                cout << counter << " " << Fname2 << " "<< Lname2 << " " << Address2 << " " << Contact2 << endl<<endl;
                cout << "Is this the contact that you wish to delete? (y or n) ";
                cin >> choice3;
                cout << endl;
        if (choice3=="n") {
        if (counter<choice){
            temp << counter << " " << Fname2 << " "<< Lname2 << " " << Address2 << " " << Contact2 << endl;
        if (counter > choice){
            temp << counter - 1 << " " << Fname2 << " "<< Lname2 << " " << Address2 << " " << Contact2 << endl;

if (remove("AddressBook.txt")==0){
    cout << "Succesful Removing File" << endl;
    cout << "Error removing"<< endl;
if(rename("Temp.txt", "AddressBook.txt")==0){
    cout << "Succesful Renaming file"<< endl;	
    cout << "Error renaming"<<endl;

Now let us understand the code:-

After writing the header of the code with the required libraries, we have declared functions, the functions are – addContacts(), viewContacts(), searchContact(), editContact(), deleteContact() and the main() function.

The main() function :

  • system(“cls”); – Used to clear the screen
  • A do-while loop is used to first display all the functions inside the address booklist which the user can select from to perform the functions- add, edit, delete, view and search contacts. The user will enter the choice.
  • Using a switch-case control statement to select the function to be performed.

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The addContacts() function:

  • This is a function created to add contacts in the address booklist.
  • We will declare variables with their required data-types to input the values from the user.
  • These following variable values you will need to enter to add a contact in the address booklist- First Name, Last Name, Address, Contact Number.
  • The maximum number of contacts you can add is 100 but you can changes the number according to your need.
  • Do not use spaces if entry has 2 or more words.
    Address Book Project in C++

The viewContacts() function:

  • This function will show all entries in the database.
  • This function displays all the contacts in a table like format.
  • ifstream is used used to create files and to write data to files. This class describes an input stream, a program that reads data from files and displays it.

Address Book Project in C++

The searchContact() function:

  • This function allows you to search for a particular entry from the address book list by entering a choice of first name or last name or address or contact. The function will return that entry as a result.
  • Can be beneficial to use when we have a lot of entries in the booklist.
  • This function can be performed after adding the contacts.

Address Book Project in C++

The editContact() function:

  • This function allows you to edit the entries. We can changes the values of the entries in the address booklist.
  • The contact will be edited by entering the entry number that you wish to edit.
  • If statement is used to check for the entry that will be edited upon your choice. It basically works by removing that contact entry and replacing it with new information entered.
  • This function can be performed after adding the contacts.

Address Book Project in C++

The deleteContact() function:

  • This function allows you to delete entries one by one permanently from the database.
  • It will ask the user – Is this the contact that you wish to delete? (y or n). The user can select (y) for yes and (n) for no.

Address Book Project in C++


We have reached the end of this article and have a lot more projects in C++ coming so stay tuned. We have started with awesome and fun projects for you all to understand C++. Learning C++ by creating fun projects makes learning easy and interesting. This project will gonna helpful for College students in final year major projects. Also, you can add it to your resume as a specialist in C++.

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If you enjoyed the article and learned something new today, let us know in the comments.

Thank you.


Happy Coding! 🙂


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