CSS Typing Text Animation Effects

15+ CSS Typing Text Animation Effects

15+ CSS Typing Text Animation Effects

Hello there! In this article, you will find 15+ CSS Typing Text Animation Effects made with HTML and pure CSS designs with complete source code so you can copy and paste it into your project.

Why keep your text boring, dull and simple? sprinkle some typing text animations and make it more fun. Don’t know how to do that? Don’t worry we’ve got you covered. We have Handpicked the best CSS Typing Text Animation designs from the web for you to use in your project.

In this blog post, we will discuss Typing Text Animation Effects with complete source code so you can just copy and paste them into your own project. Happy exploring and learning !!

Let’s see some cool 15+ CSS Typing Text Animation designs.

1. CSS Typewriter Animation

Code byGeoff Graham
Demo & downloadclick here for code
Language usedHTML, CSS
External link / DependenciesNo

Let’s start our list with CSS Typewriter Animation developed by Geoff Graham using HTML, and CSS.

2. Auto Type CSS!

Code byCSS Support
Demo & downloadclick here for code
Language usedHTML, CSS
External link / DependenciesNo

Auto Type text made by “CSS Support” with pure HTML and CSS!

3. Gradient typing effect in CSS

Code byJasmine G
Demo & downloadclick here for code
Language usedHTML, CSS
External link / DependenciesNo

Gradient typing effect animation by Jasmine G made using pure HTML and CSS. You can play around with the code to change the colors of the gradient.

4. 404 Kittens

Code bynclud team
Demo & downloadclick here for code
Language usedHTML,CSS(SCSS),JS
External link / DependenciesYes

A terminal-themed typing text developed by nclud team using HTML, CSS(SCSS), and JavaScript.

5. Fallout 3 Terminal

Code byJames Holmes
Demo & downloadclick here for code
Language usedHTML,CSS(Less),JS
External link / DependenciesNo

A functional approach to replicating typing on a vintage computer — a la Fallout 3. Uses some functional processing techniques to handle the state and render the typing effect.

Custom Cursor With Mouse Hover Effects Using HTML, CSS, And JavaScript

6. TheaterJS

Code byGabin Aureche
Demo & downloadclick here for code
Language usedHTML,CSS(SCSS),JS
External link / DependenciesYes

Typing effect mimicking human behavior, developed by Gabin Aureche using HTML, CSS(SCSS), and JavaScript.

7. Text slider with typing animation in pure CSS



Code byAdam Lewiński
Demo & downloadclick here for code
Language usedHTML,CSS(SCSS)
External link / DependenciesNo

Text slider with typing animation designed by Adam Lewiński using HTML, CSS(SCSS).


8. Pure CSS Typing Animation



Code byStephanie Eckles
Demo & downloadclick here for code
Language usedHTML,CSS(SCSS),JS(Babel)
External link / DependenciesYes

With the use of keyframe animations and a couple of (forgivable) magic numbers, this typing animation was created.

9. Futuristic Resolving/Typing Text Effect feat. GLaDOS

Code byKevin
Demo & downloadclick here for code
Language usedHTML,CSS(SCSS),JS(Babel)
External link / DependenciesYes

Futuristic resolving/typing text effects are usually found in-game or movie cut scenes to reveal text on the screen. This one here features some GLaDOS lines from Portal 2, enjoy!

10. Editor Illustration

Code byKlare
Demo & downloadclick here for code
Language usedHTML,CSS(SCSS)
External link / DependenciesNo

A typing animation mimicking a code editor. Developed by Klare using HTML and CSS(SCSS).

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11. CSS Typing animation

Code byRaúl Barrera
Demo & downloadclick here for code
Language usedHTML,CSS(SCSS)
External link / DependenciesYes

This typing animation was created by Raúl Barrera using pure HTML and CSS(SCSS).

12. Typing Text with Javascript

Code byMax
Demo & downloadclick here for code
Language usedHTML(Haml),CSS(SCSS),JS(CoffeeScript)
External link / DependenciesYes

A simple typing animation developed by Max using HTML(Haml), CSS(SCSS), and JavaScript(CoffeeScript).

13. Typed.scss: CSS-powered animated text

Code byBrandon McConnell
Demo & downloadclick here for code
Language used(SCSS)
External link / DependenciesYes

Look ma! No H(TML)andlebars… or JS Typed.js ported entirely to CSS (SCSS) developed by Brandon McConnell.

14. CSS Typing Effect

Code byMarko
Demo & downloadclick here for code
Language usedHTML, CSS
External link / DependenciesYes

This typing effect was designed by Marko using pure HTML and CSS.

15. Simple Typing Carousel

Code byGregory Schier
Demo & downloadclick here for code
Language usedHTML, CSS, JS
External link / DependenciesNo

Simple pure JavaScript plugin to rotate text snippets as if they were being typed. Developed by Gregory Schier using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

16. Typing Text Animation

Code byWill Moyer
Demo & downloadclick here for code
Language usedHTML, CSS
External link / DependenciesNo

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Let’s end this list with a typing animation by Will Moyer, developed using only HTML and CSS.

That’s it, folks. In this article, we shared 15+ CSS Typing Text Animation Effects with cool and different designs. We have covered a lot of different typing Text animation effects from plain and simple animation to Terminal themed animations.

Hope you liked this article. Share this with your fellow developers. Comment down below your thoughts and suggestions, we would love to hear from you.

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Thank you and keep learning!!

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Written by: @ayushgoel

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